Wow! I can't believe how long it has been since my last post. While I have been gone - I hope I have not been forgotten. As I mentioned previously the girl I was working with quit leaving me the only one at my company doing my job. We have a very large project going on which has kept me busy and while we still have not found a replacement for the position I am finding some very small junks of time to sew.
As someone who has never had an issue before finding time to sew, it has been challenging for me to be on the other side of the fence. For me having something that normally just takes a few minutes of my sewing time be all I get done in a day (ie. trace and sew the bust darts) has been very disheartening and distracting! However, I just can't stay gone any longer!
For August, I am going to keep it simple but treat myself to some hard earned sewing time! I am going to finish the last project of the Sew Colette challenge (better late than never right?) and finish my Cherry Fabric truffle dress that is cut out and part way finished at the moment (bust darts complete lol). I am also going to finish my Ice cream Sundae Obsession dress and catchup on my Craftsy Block of the Month class, and lastly join Sew Colette 2.0 and sew the Macaron dress.
I am hoping since the first two items are about 75% complete and normally I could have finished each of them in a day that this won't be too much!
I also want to branch out from just finished garments and add some more meaningful content to the blog. However, at least for the next week I'll be posting up the remainder of my Spring Palette challenge items that completed before my break.
Pictured above is an IPAD case that I made using one of the Craftsy workshops with some modifications. The case was a mother's day gift for my mother-in law and I am pretty happy with the overall results, but wish I had made a mock-up first. The case was pretty heavy into machine quilting which while I don't mind using that to piece what would be the block portions together - I found machine quilting the design or actual "quilted" portion to just look poor. I would much rather have put the effort into hand stitching. The instructions also were not great and found that due to the instructions not being complete nor clear that I ended up with unfinished edges inside the bag. However, at the end of the day mom is pleased with her gift so I am as well - next time you can bet I will be doing a mock-up! But it is pretty darn cute isn't it?